Tuesday, September 14, 2010


i have lived in minnesota for two years and next week i am leaving. we are moving back to the south, but there are some things that i am really going to miss about minnesota............and some things that i won't miss

things i will miss about minnesota:

token bbq

the scenery

a mall with a rollercoaster in it

10p sunset in the summer

placing $2 bets at canterbury park


the handful of people who treated me like i am some sort of amazingly talented superstar, you people are crazy but i love you

85° being considered "pretty hot"

MSU hockey games

fat cheerleaders

all the great friends i have made. i will not name them here for fear of missing one and pissing someone off

things i will not miss about minnesota:


salt stains

40 below

sunset at 4:15p in the winter

45 mph speed limits on roads that are so flat and straight that you can't see the end

the fact that the plows seem to completely forget about highway 22 during the winter

putting a sweater and a coat on my dog just so he can pee

the smell of manure on the fields

being stuck behind a combine for miles and miles

random ass twins replays on FSN every freaking day

the slushy mess when the ice is melting

that damn tornado siren


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