Thursday, October 07, 2010

purses cause breast cancer

i love facebook. i use facebook all the time. however, this stupid "i like it on the table" or whatever is driving me crazy.

women are posting where they put their purse as their status and some how that is supposed to support breast cancer awareness. this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard of. where you put your purse and posting that information as some sort of pseudo-sexual innuendo has nothing to do with breast cancer. it is freaking annoying.

first off, who the hell has never heard of breast cancer?? do we really need this to raise awareness?? are there people out there that have no clue that there is such a thing as breast cancer and then see a status about your purse and think "wow, breast cancer must affect millions of women each year"?

want to do something??? donate.

simply as that. give money.

and get that dumb shit off of your status