Sunday, September 25, 2011

product placement

it is very important for products to be stocked on store shelves in logical locations. you don't want to find your customers searching all over the store for related items.

kudos to CVS for this brilliant product placement

Monday, September 19, 2011

ok, now do it naked.....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Conspiracy

The mere suggestion that you do not believe everything that our government tells us about September 11, 2001 will cause most people to think that you are nuts. However, before you jump to that conclusion, watch Loose Change on YouTube and see if it doesn't make at least a little bit of sense.

Dylan Avery set out to make a fictional thriller about a group of friends who discover the September 11, 2001 attacks were an "inside job". While researching the film, Avery himself became convinced of the theory.

You shouldn't believe everything that is in this movie. But, you have to ask yourself, "have I ever known the United States Government to be 100% truthful and forthcoming about anything?"

One critic, the Department of State, says "[Loose Change] treats statements made at this time as if they represent reasoned judgments, not impromptu, often poorly thought-through misimpressions and uninformed speculation... In sum, Loose Change is researched very shoddily, making numerous mistakes of fact and judgment."

It is a full length movie and it is worth your time to watch it.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

this commercial creeps me out

something about this commercial creeps me out.

these sharks have eaten two people and are comparing the tastes in some sort of candy focus group. i don't really have a problem with the concept or with the execution, it just kinda weirds me out.......

however, it is pretty awesome that somewhere, some how this commercial ran right behind the 'soul surfer' movie trailer

Saturday, September 03, 2011


dragon con is a huge convention of everything nerdy and geeky. it happens every labor day weekend in atlanta, ga.

if i learned one thing at dragon con this year, it is that nerdy girls love to show off their cleavage.

fat nerd boobs were everywhere.

i thought this was kind of weird..........who ever heard of a sexy marshmallow man???

this girl didn't really fit in, but her picture needed to be taken

and then there was the beautiful people.......

dragon con is not only full of cleavage, it also turns into a huge sex party at night. don't believe me? listen to my special edition mini podcast to hear it straight from the nerds' mouth.