Monday, January 31, 2011

hooters has gotten fancy

Checkout this menu item at hooters

Champagne?!?!?! Are you freaking kidding me????

Who the hell is going to hooters and thinking "damn, these wings would go great with some champagne"

Is this for valentines day????? Is someone really bringing their wife or girlfriend or mom to hooters?
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Friday, January 28, 2011

keep suckin' sista!

i saw this while flipping channels and it made me laugh!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

i imagine that "keep suckin' sista!" is the follow up to "suck it sista!" and "hey sista! suck this shit!"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

free poster

click the cafepress logo and get a free poster!

Monday, January 24, 2011

i just want to work

i really am tired of being out of a job.

plus, my unemployment is going to run out soon, so i went on craigslist to see if there were any jobs that i was qualified for and i found this:

oh. my. God.

this might be the absolute worst job on the face of the planet!

can you freaking imagine???? holy crap!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

youtube karaoke

this guy is awesome!

he is 67 years old and videos himself singing karaoke songs and post them on youtube.

why is this guy not a star???????

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Damn!!! this kid has got skills!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

the best weather update ever!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

i think i am a winner

This was left on my door. I can't read spanish, but I think I won a TV, a laptop and an ipod that plays santana...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, January 15, 2011

how many licks does it take?

I saw this woman while waiting in line at the bank. She is way too damn excited while sucking on her sucker.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, January 13, 2011

doctor visit

i went to the doctor today because i felt that now that i am 30, i should probably get checked out. i want blood work done and stuff because i have a lot of family members with heart issues.

when i got to the doctor's office, this is what greeted me:

this has cracked me up all damn day! maybe it is because, mentally, i am really just a 14 year old boy.

i keep hearing in my head "dr. dickensheets, dr. dickensheets.........dr. dickensheets to the ER". or, "dr. dickensheets, be honest with much time do i have?" or, "you're losing him dr. dickensheets! you're losing him!!"


and then, when we got home, my wife discovered my diagnosis on the wrap-up sheet:

so, it is official. i am fat.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

abandoned cars in atlanta

i had always wondered why the rest of the country made fun of the south and then i moved to minnesota and saw things from the outside in.

i have always had a cynical attitude about most things, however it really takes moving away to see the truth.

people in the south freak the hell out when snow is even in the forecast and now that we have had a few inches fall, the shit has really hit the fan.

here are some photos from the road that my apartment complex is on. these were taken today - 1/11/11 at about noon.

people have abandoned their cars because of the four inches of snow that is on the ground.

really people??? really????

Atlanta driver's car BMW catches on fire as he attempts to drive on icy ...

The Adventures of Giant Baby - 7

Traffic in the snow in Atlanta

Monday, January 03, 2011

Angry Grandpa Fireworks In Oven Prank

Saturday, January 01, 2011

the fat cheerleader has a name

on january 6, 2010 i was fired from 95.7 the blaze in mankato, mn after i called one of the minnesota state university cheerleaders fat on the radio.

here is the actual audio:

and here is the subsequent promo that ran:

the story i was told was that my comments got to her parents, who were large financial contributors to the university, and they complained to the minnesota state university chancellor who in turned contacted the owner of our radio station (via the email address listed on the website) and demanded that i be fired. apparently, the chancellor told the owner that if i was not fired that he would see to it that the radio station group would have no access to the university or it's events. again, this is what i was told.

ever since then i had always been curious as to what that cheerleader's name was. i don't know why, just curious i guess......

well, mankato magazine has done a story on a minnesota state university cheerleader and she happens to be a little pudgy. i still stand by the comment that she is cute as a button, just a little fat. and her name is sarah. thank you to nikki stresemann for the email with the scans of the article.