Wednesday, October 27, 2010

what language is this?

i found this sign posted in the workout facility at my apartment complex.

i was completely dumbfounded when i saw it, so i had to take a photo.

are you freaking kidding me???

granted, my grammar can be pretty bad sometimes. i can comma splice, with the best of them.

however, this is absurd! the person who wrote this has a job. the person who made this sign has a freaking job in the united states of america!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


i am a big fan of Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and He is my friend

however, this thing creeped me out........

i was with some friends at a cookout at one of their family member's house. i was sitting on the couch and this thing was staring directly at me.

it really gave me the heebie-jeebies. it was staring at me and followed me with it's eyes.

i can not imagine how scary this thing would be in the middle of the night.

on the bottom it is engraved "What Would Jesus Do?"

apparently, the answer is creep me the hell out

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i am supposed to speak spanish

i guess i am supposed to speak spanish.

recently, i moved to roswell, ga and my apartment complex is overly spanish. this is the sign on the trash compactor:

here is a sign posted in the workout room. sure, some of it is in english.........but the english is small and secondary:

and this is a flyer from a local church that i found under my door:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

the B-Team van

there is a van that has been parked in the same visitors parking space at my apartment complex ever since i moved in.

i call it the B-Team van.

i hope it never gets towed away because it is useful in giving direction. my wife might ask "where did you park?" and i can say "over by the B-Team van"

it is quite obvious why i call it the B-Team looks like an A-Team van reject.

i also like to imagine that it belongs to a rag-tag team of mexican mercenaries who are holed up here in roswell, ga until shit blows over.

led by their fearless leader and former champion cock-fighter juan carlos menendez, the B-Team lives in hiding and offers their help to anyone who needs it. but, that help comes at a price.

along with juan carlos, the B-team consists of cezar gonzales, alberto hernandez, & sergio "el culo malo" martinez

they are not to be messed with.

9 bucks for apples????

the best apple i have ever had is a honeycrisp apple. i had never had one until i moved to minnesota.

in fact, before i moved to minnesota i thought that there were only green apples and red apples.

i didn't realize all of the different kinds of apples that were out there.

maybe i am just a dumbass.

anyway, i noticed some honeycrisp apples at target the other day. except the honeycrisps here in georgia are a little different from the honeycrisps in minnesota.

the honeycrisps here in georgia apparently allow you to fly or know the whereabouts of a unicorn or do you homework or something.

who the hell is going to pay 9 freaking dollars for six or eight apples???

the people at target must be out their damn mind.......

excellent story teller

this kid tells a great story.

it makes me laugh out loud

Thursday, October 07, 2010

purses cause breast cancer

i love facebook. i use facebook all the time. however, this stupid "i like it on the table" or whatever is driving me crazy.

women are posting where they put their purse as their status and some how that is supposed to support breast cancer awareness. this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard of. where you put your purse and posting that information as some sort of pseudo-sexual innuendo has nothing to do with breast cancer. it is freaking annoying.

first off, who the hell has never heard of breast cancer?? do we really need this to raise awareness?? are there people out there that have no clue that there is such a thing as breast cancer and then see a status about your purse and think "wow, breast cancer must affect millions of women each year"?

want to do something??? donate.

simply as that. give money.

and get that dumb shit off of your status